• Talk to your manager about your personal situation, mainly sharing the broad lines, not the details.
  • Structure your time, both at home and at work.
  • Talk with your family and friends, and write down your thoughts and feelings to help process your situation.
  • Be aware that the people in your environment might feel powerless. Don’t ask for solutions, ask for support.
  • Make sure you have positive-minded people around you.
  • Take very good care of your physical health! Do sports, eat healthy and make time for yourself!
  • Together with your manager, create a temporary plan around your working hours, to enable you to e.g., visit the lawyer/mediator and take care of your kids.
  • Ask for help! For example, ask other parents to pick up your kids from school.
  • When you get emotional at work, take a break to calm down.
  • Do not have, or minimise contact with your ex or lawyer whilst at work.

Are you an employer/manager, company doctor, employee in divorce, and would you like to brainstorm with me? Please send me a personal message.