Individual coaching & training program: ‘Keeping on track’

Besides life and professional coaching, I have further specialised in coaching and training people who are going/ have gone through a divorce/separation. A divorce can swipe away all your safety: Where will you live? What will your financial situation look like? Will you see your kids? Who are you? Emotions tend to take over the mind making it a challenge to think clearly, do your work properly, oversee your life, let alone take ownership of your life again.


Create a safe space and opportunity for employees to continue working during the time of divorce, avoid absenteism. Create awareness and provide tools to individuals to get back in the driver’s seat in their new situation.


Employees who are about to or going through a divorce.


A tailor-made individual coaching and training program in which more understanding will be created and tools offered with regards to experienced emotions, communication styles, & practicalities.


The basis of the program consists of 3 coaching sessions in a period of 2-3 months. Every situation will be looked at separately and the program can be adjusted accordingly.  The sessions take place in person at coach’s office.

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